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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tell Me Thursday March 22, 2012

New Mommy Confessions hosts the weekly Tell Me Thursday. Head on over and check it out for links to more people answering these questions and join on in yourself if you have a blog!

For this week... Jobs!

What was your first real job? (like, you paid taxes and everything) In high school I worked as a lifeguard and swimming teacher for the YMCA. It was a good time. I pretty much only taught the lower levels because I didn't have perfect technique of the strokes so working with the Shark level to perfect breaststroke and butterfly wasn't gonna happen. It's funny because I always feel the need to say that when I talk about that job because I feel like people are gonna thing I'm this amazing swimmer or something. I had the skills necessary to lifeguard a pool and teach kids the basic strokes. The smell of chlorine still brings back fond memories.

What was your favorite job? What job did you hate the most? My favorite job was either my first job or my time as a bookkeeper for a local lockshop in college. It was a small company and a nice family sort of atmosphere. Some of the tasks of the job weren't my favorite but I got to learn to cut keys and re-key locks and the atmosphere was fun and friendly. My least favorite had to be my stint in Accounts Payable. Actually, the tasks weren't that bad but the atmosphere was stifling. The manager watched over us and didn't like us talking to each other (very small office with three people in close quarters) while we worked. It was like a really strict school. I felt constantly beat down and a little like a prisoner. When I handed in my letter of resignation, I actually felt so nervous my heart wouldn't stop pounding and I thought I was going to be sick. The manager called me into her office at the end of the day and proceeded to tell me how disappointed she was and how I'd lied to her. In my letter I said I was going back into education (I was going back to substitute teaching while I looked for a permanent position) and said I'd told her I'd given up on that. Um, no. Never said that. Ok, stopping myself now. No need to delve back into those memories. Shudder. 

What is your dream job? Well, I went to school to be a teacher. Unfortunately, the market was saturated when I graduated. I could have gotten a job in Florida or Las Vegas but I was looking close to home. Sometimes I still feel a little bitter about the whole situation but other times I wonder if things worked out for the best and maybe I would have burnt out as a teacher. 

Are you currently working? Nope. I mean not officially. I stopped working about a month before my son was born and have stayed home with him since. I did briefly try my hand at selling Avon but I am so not a salesperson. I'd like to do something sometimes. Not working has really messed up my time management skills and my self discipline. I miss completing tasks (and no, housework does not give me the same sense of satisfaction). I think when the kids are in school, I might go back to something, even if just part time.

What job should everyone try at least once? I've never given this much thought but I think I'd have to agree with New Mommy Confessions about working in the service industry. If you've been there yourself, might think twice about the way you treat the people serving you.

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