Note to Readers

My resolve to keep my blog up to date is having varied results.

Until I get my act together, I'll continue to post mundane details of my life (and Doctor Who retweets) on twitter at @cozmicrain, and quick snippets of thought (and reblogs of cats in tights) on tumblr at Casual Bubbles.

Please come visit!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

A New Direction

I started this blog with good intentions. But as can be seen by my overall lack of posts and the almost nine months since my effort, good intentions don't write blogs. Things have become pretty muddled.

As a stay at home mom, I haven't exercised my brain in far too long. In the last year I can probably count the number of books I've read on one hand. That alone is an epic fail for the me; I used to lose myself in books. I'd have two or three going at one time. If that isn't convincing enough, I did major in English in college. And forget writing. Now I find that even the simplest writing tasks have become difficult. I've been using bad grammar and misspelling like crazy. I've become lazy and have lost all motivation for just about anything. In a way, I've lost myself.

As this year comes to a close and my son's first birthday is about to pass, I've decided it's time for a change, a new direction. Don't bring me down, New Year's resolution haters. I fully agree that we shouldn't wait for the new year to make changes in our lives but I made this decision as the last month of the year came out of nowhere. Besides, I always work better with a firm framework. So I'm going to give this thing a try. If I keep up my resolve, as I hope I will, I'll chronicle my journey here, among the many other ramblings I hope to have.

My hopes are that within this next year I will accomplish the goals I will set for myself. Hopefully, I'll regain my writing skills along the way. And while I know this is currently a readerless blog, I hope that perhaps someday, someone like me will come across this and find that she is not alone.

Let the countdown to the New Year and new me(or rediscovery of the old me) begin!

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